Santa Monica Dentist | Richard Haber DDS | Santa Monica Dental Veneers |
Are you a good candidate for dental veneers? Dental Veneers are not appropriate for everyone or every tooth. Case selection is an extremely important factor in the success of this technique. Only an examination by your dentist can determine whether dental veneers are appropriate for making the changes you want. Some of the situations where certain teeth or people are not good candidates for dental veneers include: . Unhealthy teeth. Dental decay and active gum disease must be treated prior to fabricating and bonding dental veneers . Weakened teeth. If a significant amount of tooth structure is missing or has been replaced by a large filling the teeth will not be strong enough to function with a dental veneer. so we place dental Crowns instead of veneers. . Teeth with an inadequate amount of enamel present. Dental veneers are more successfully bonded onto tooth enamel . People who habitually clench or grind on their teeth. Habitually clenching and grinding of the teeth can easily chip or break dental veneers. Dental nightguards may be a solution for this in some cases. . Persons without a stable bite. . Severely mal positioned teeth or misaligned teeth. Orthodontic treatment may be required to achieve the desired result
Santa Monica Scaling and root planing for gum disease, gum treatment, deep cleaning: Scaling and root planing is one of the most effective ways to treat gum disease before it becomes severe. Root planing and scaling (deep cleaning) cleans the pockets, the spaces between the gum and the tooth root surface.
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Richard Haber DDS Santa Monica Dentist, 15th Street, Santa Monica, CA .